Which Carpet Backing is best? And does it really matter?

Which Carpet Backng is BestCarpet Backing is one of those things that can cost a lot of money, but once the it is down – you won’t even see it. So is it worth being picky over which backing to choose and use?This article will take a detailed look at the different types of carpet backing and help you decide which backing really is best for your floors.

The first question is…

Does Carpet Backing Matter?

If you’re going looking for new carpet in the choosing carpet in the stores, then this is a very important question to know the answer. That’s because we’ve witnessed salesmen trying to put the price up based on the backing and therefore make it sound like that’s what you should be interested in. In reality, most carpets will do the job of making your carpet look good in your home.

Captain Carpet claims that the backing is guaranteed to be fine 99% of the time, but there’s a couple of things to be aware of. Let’s take a look.

It’s a common myth that the right carpet backing can prevent mildew and mould. In reality, it’s true, most carpets are mildew and mould resistant, which means they will be able to withstand a certain amount of moisture if it does creep into your home. However, the carpet alone will most definitely not prevent mildew and mould from growing in your home if there is damp allowed to get in.

So, the key takeaway here is…

Don’t let salespeople put the price up because the ‘backing’ is mould resistant. There are some situations where you will find the different materials will prove some value, which we will look at in a mo.

Now you’re clear on that, let’s look at the different types available on the market.

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Is Jute Carpet backing best?

Jute is the old fashioned backing which high quality carpets would have boasted. For example, if you move into an old house and the carpet has been down a number of years, then the chances are, it will have a jute style under body.

Jute is tough – If you’re removing the carpet from your home and it is woven with Jute, then you will need to make sure you have a sharp knife to cut it. Jute is still commonplace on most luxury carpets, such as wool..

If you’re buying a cheaper carpet, then it’s likely it won’t be manufactured with Jute. instead it will be felt rubber


Is Felt Backing best?

In recent years, felt rubber has taken over jute as being the most popular. If you ever find you need to take one of these types up, you will see how lightweight they are compared to the Jute. They are in fact easier to rip up, and in some respects dispose of. That’s due to them being slightly more lightweight.

Felt, is slightly less costly than the aforementioned Jute but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t do the job of looking great in your home. What’s more, most carpets will start to look a bit shabby over the years, and it’s probably not due to the backing as much as it is due to the quality of the carpet.

SO, the key takeaway here is…

Don’t be too concerned if the carpet you fall in love with does indeed have a rubber back – it’s not a problem. Just be aware that the carpet on top is probably of  a lower quality. If you are specifically looking for a high quality product and are looking to pay more than your average, then you should take into account the materials it’s manufactured with.


Which Underlay is best for which carpet backing?

Every new carpet needs new underlay. Partly because the carpet underlay is often guaranteed for the lifetime of the carpet and it is also fit inline with the flooring at the time of fitting.